Your ultimate audio dreams are now possible. From a single location, many sound sources such as CD, Music Server, FM Tuner, Online Music Services etc. can be heard throughout your entire home, inside & out. Each zone can have different or same sources playing at the same time, all of which can be controlled from your mobile device or computer. Amitron has various options in achieving this; including wired & wireless audio distribution or a combination of both.
Contact us to find out which system suits your needs the best
Whole house audio distributions systems are a big deal and certainly one of the more exciting aspects when thinking about the functionality and use of your home during the pre-construction phase. Amitron can create, design and implement a tailor made system to meet your needs. Contact us to start creating your audio dreams
Which Speakers do I choose?
For multi-room music system, ceiling speakers are by far the most popular choice. They provide high-quality sound which avoids cluttering.
We usually use the following in-ceiling speakers:
Kenitic Labs (Usage: Day-to-day, Best suited for: bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, Day-to-day T.V. rooms)
KEF Ci Series (Usage: High-End, Home Theatre/Cinema Systems, Music rooms, T.V. rooms, Surround Sound Systems)
Monitor Audio (Usage: High-End, Home Theatre/Cinema Systems, Music rooms, T.V. rooms, Surround Sound Systems)
Which Audio distribution system do I choose?
Amitron will create a bespoke home audio system which will suit your indoors & outdoors needs. All systems Amitron supply can be made to deliver anything you might want. Currently the most popular and most suited systems for home audio distribution is the SONOS & Denon HEOS systems.
Sonos has a range of wireless speakers and wireless amplifiers which are very popular multi-room music systems. The SONOS system can also be a wired system by usings their dedicated Ethernet ports. One of the features they have is the ability to use your mobile device to control each room’s music/audio. SONOS also support popular music streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Amazon Music & Napster (Click here for list). The limitations of the SONOS system are that they do not support Apple Airplay, and cannot play high bit rate / HD audio.
Denon HEOS
Denon being a major audio/visual equipment manufacturer for decades has just recently launched its new product range, HEOS. The HEOS product range is again a wireless audio system like SONOS, and has the ability to be hardwired with Ethernet cables. Just like SONOS, the HEOS system also supports a wide range of popular music streaming services (Click here for list). In addition to all the similarities to the SONOS system, the Denon HEOS system provides more connection options to connect a variety of different audio sources such as USB drives, auxiliary input via 3.5mm jack, bluetooth, & subwoofer output connection.
Home Theatre/Cinema Audio
Home Theatres are one of the most commonly requested audio features in homes. This audio system is different and usually separate from distributed audio systems. However, a Home Theatre audio system may share music/audio sources with a distributed audio system. A Home Theatre’s A/V receiver can even be used to drive a distributed audio system if it is equipped with multi-room/multi-source capability. It is a mostly preferred Home Theatre audio system to be operated with a dedicated AVR. This enables full control and amplification of all key areas such as tuning each speaker to produce a quality sound. Additionally, having a dedicated AVR allows multiple speakers and subwoofers to be connected to the system since they are intended to operate in a specific room.